Rather than being an advantageous or disadvantageous process, probate is a need. People who pass without creating clear instructions about the transfer of their assets give rise to the need for hiring a probate administration attorney. Given the complexities involved, it is always wise to trust an experienced attorney...
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4 Tips To Follow Before Hiring A Legacy Planning Attorney
Most of us would agree that hiring an estate planning attorney is probably not the first thing on our minds. Often, we feel that we are in perfect health, so we do not need estate or legacy planning. However, little do we realize that estate planning is a crucial step...
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2 Benefits Of Getting A Living Trust
If you have been thinking about getting a living trust in Honolulu, Hawaii, know it is one of the easiest and cheapest ways you can protect your legacy and those you are about. When you have this done, you will be informed in the process, and have comfort in knowing...
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Common Estate Planning Mistakes People Make
There are some decisions we all have to make in our lives that aren’t easy to make. Just because they’re difficult to make, it doesn’t mean we should ignore them or put them off. One such decision is estate planning. It is essential to build a financial plan and estate...
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Will I Be Taxed When I Place My Home in My Trust?
This is such a common question from clients, I really need to add to my Frequently Asked Question’s page. There are many tax issues involved in transferring title to real property: transfer tax, capital gains tax, property tax, etc… Whether in California or Hawai’i, changing title of your...
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When Should I Start Estate Planning?
I recently came across an article by one of the major web based legal services companies opining, (excuse me, wrong word: See November 27, 2019 Blog: “The Pitfalls of DItY Legal Information Websites”) “commenting” on how you should consider your estate planning needs based upon your age. And I thought, “wow,...
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Epiphany: On Charitable Giving
We ended our 2020 blogging on a more somber note. Seemed appropriate. Coincidently, this week’s blog falls on the Epiphany. I can’t think of a better way to start the new year than taking a moment to consider our blessings and good fortune.
Whether you are a believer in...
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The High Cost of Passing Away
Happy New Year to all! This is the last blog of the year and hoping you all have had a joyous holiday season and wishing you a delightful New Year! Did you know that more people die on New Year’s Day than any other time of the year? Sorry, one of...
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Conversation Stoppers for Your Thanksgiving Zoom
Like many of you, our family will be celebrating Thanksgiving by Zoom this year. My older brother and younger sister both live in the D.C. area, and my parents have recently all but moved there to help out the raising the next generation of Cashmans. While we typically all meet at my...
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Prop 19: I Voted For What?
There are winners and loser in every piece of legislation. On this past election day, a slim majority of California voters passed Proposition 19. The winners: firefighters who will receive funds from the projected new tax revenue; and wildfire victims, severely disabled, and homeowners over 55 who wish to move within California....
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